
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Challenge - Still Life

Challenge Topic: Still Life

Posting Date: Saturday, October 11, 2014

Online Background Information:

Additional Tips and Suggestions:
After last month’s “movement” challenge, we’re going to completely change gears and now do some photographic studies of still life. We all know of many classical still life scenes recreated by paintings, usually with dramatic lighting. Lighting is really key is setting your scene because it can provide dimension and focal interest. Think of contrast, shapes, and angles.

Information on lighting and scene setups was provided in an earlier challenge for food photography. It is highly recommended that you go back and study the information resources provided with that post. Those techniques apply for this assignment too. Shop around the house for a collection of interesting items that can be used in your compositions. When in doubt, think back to the simplicity challenge. When it comes to composition, less can really be more. Tell a story. Feature an item in a creative and whimsical way. Pay attention to your background and don’t let it distract from your subject matter. If you need some creative inspirations, search “still life photography” on Pinterest and you will find a wide variety of examples.

Depth of field needs to be controlled for this type of subject matter, so an aperture priority setting on your camera is ideal. Not sure how to do that? Then please check your camera manual. If you use an indoor setting, then a tripod is essential to reduce camera shake, capture crisp details in low light conditions. If you don’t own a tripod, then steady your camera on a chair, table, or other hard surface. If light is needed to illuminate shadow areas, use a reflector.

The links listed above provide a wealth of information the secrets of still life photography. Please do some homework and take advantage of these learning resources!

Prepare one to three of your own photographic images that feature a still life scene. You may use photos from your personal inventory or take new ones for this challenge. It’s your choice.

Please include any information or tips that may be of assistance to other participants (e.g., how you took the images, post-processing details, camera settings, what you learned). If you have more than one blog, please present your challenge photos on only one of them.

The linkup tool will be available the day before the challenge date (October 10) and a couple days thereafter. Don’t forget to set up a calendar reminder for yourself!


  1. I had to pass on the challenge of "movement". I just didnt' feel as if I was able to do the topic justice. I am excited to try, try again this month! I will be watching for appropriate subject matter (ie. victims!).

  2. thinking, clicking, thinking, clicking, thinking, clicking....

    1. Hahaha!!!! That’s how it’s done! Let me know if you need any help, sweetie…

  3. Ha ha I love Lorrie's comment!
    This month's topic has got me thinking Donna!
    I had better read all your info and get started.....

  4. Looking forward to the challenge!

  5. I really had fun with these one! Now it's one of my favorites...heehee! Thank you sweet Donna! Hugs, Diane

  6. This was fun, Donna. Now that I've seen everyone else's photos (up to my own link so far) I want to try even more things! Thank you, Donna - you're a wonderful teacher.

  7. This was a great was hard choosing just three. Thanks so much for all of the great links. Have a good evening!

  8. I was lost a little bit here when I saw the date of your
    Thanks so much for the fun of it all....

  9. As usual, participating opened my eyes to new ideas. Enjoyed others' interpretations too. Looking forward to 'trees' - I have LOTS of tree pix in the files.

  10. A big thank you to everyone for sharing their photos. I am still somewhat new to photography and wasn't even sure what still life really was. I have learned again from this challenge and had fun doing it.

  11. I am a crappy photographer with zero knowledge or skills and positively NO patience- all things a photographer needs to be considered talented. Not me. But what I AM talented at is interior design - love it and love to share if you would forgive my lack of knowing diddly boo about using my lights and camera properly, I'd like to join you today anyway.

    I don't hold a candle to any of you, but I am humble and having fun, guess that's half of it, yes?

    Thanks for hosting!

  12. Thanks for comments on my contribution. I am enjoying these challenges and learn something new each month by visiting others posts and reading your hints. Confidence will grow I guess. And like Michele above, I am having fun


  13. First time linking in and I will definitely be checking out more on the list...happy to be participating!
