Monday, December 16, 2013

Challenge - Shadow Play

Challenge Topic: Shadow Play

Posting Date: Saturday, January 11, 2014

Online Background Information:

Additional Tips and Suggestions:

In order for the light to shine so brightly,
the darkness must be present.
~ Sir Francis Bacon ~

Now that we have gone through an exercise that focused on light, we need to examine the importance of shadows in photography. It is time to embrace the shadows! The contrast between light and shadows can provide dramatic results in your images. Shadows can shape the light by showcasing texture, thereby giving a three-dimensional quality to a two-dimensional image.

Serious photographers know that light reveals and shadows define. If you study photographs that have that certain “wow” factor, the ones that really hit home with their visual impact, they will usually display a bold distinction between light and shadows.

Once again, this challenge will be an important lesson in observation. Shadows may either take center stage and command your attention, or else they may complement the subject matter. You have the freedom to decide if you want shadows to have starring or supporting roles in your images. Be sure to check out the web links provided above for many inspirational examples.

For those of us who live in the northern hemisphere, the sun in low in the horizon this time of year, thus providing naturally longer shadows. Of course, early mornings and late afternoon offer good opportunities for striking shadows. A hard light source is preferable to diffused lighting for this challenge.

Using your camera's exposure compensation settings, you may want to slightly underexpose your image to deepen the shadow areas. Or you may decide to darken the shadow areas in the post-processing phase. Effective use of a digital editing program can banish hazy or muddy tones in your original image. Also, conversion to a black and white image can effectively showcase the contrast between light and dark tones without the distraction of color.

Prepare one to three of your own photographic images that prominently feature shadows. You may use photos from your personal inventory or take new ones for this challenge. It’s your choice. Please include any information or tips that may be of assistance to other participants (e.g., how you took the images, post-processing details, camera settings, what you learned). If you have more than one blog, please present your challenge photos on only one of them.

The linkup tool will be available the day before the challenge date (January 10) and a couple days thereafter. Don’t forget to set up a calendar reminder for yourself!

Please insert your blog's permalink address via the link gadget below. (Also check your link to ensure it works.)  Thank you for participating and have fun visiting the other participants! 

1. Lavender Dreams  13. Millie @ Click'n Camera  
2. Lavender Cottage  14. Shane  
3. Donna @ Cottage Days & Journeys  15. Lori  
4. Vee  16. Peggy Jones  
5. Lorrie  17. EG CameraGirl, Canada  
6. Mary (Travelbrit)  18. Donna (Texas)  
7. Podso  19. Cindy-Trails of Hats"N Hospitalitea  
8. Cristal @ Dapple Design  20. Brenda  
9. Pamela @playingwithmycamera  21. The Furry Gnome  
10. Jeanne  22. Ruthi  
11. Danielle  23. Jeanette@  
12. Nancy@This Sweet Life  24. Ileana  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Lovely quote pick for the new theme. Keeping my fingers crossed for some sunny days to come our way (it would make this challenge a little easier for me :) , nevertheless, it will be a fun challenge)...Merry Christmas Donna! Enjoy your day, Millie

  2. Hi Donna. Major internet/browser woes here this morning. I hope they'll have cleared so that I may participate. Nothing like a wee bit of excitement.

    1. No worries. Post when you can. The linkup schedule goes through Monday, and I can always extend it, if necessary.

    2. It's all straightened round and I had nothing to do with it. I thought I should attempt to get to the blog before I started messing about and there it was grinning at me as if nothing had ever been wrong. Phew. I did not relish the idea of trying to post from the iPad. Thanks for all your help!

  3. This was a fun challenge...maybe even my 'favorite' one! heehee! We have such bright sunshine here in Florida that I'm always looking at the interesting shadows and reflections. Glad I'm not having to sit out in the courtyard to read this morning! heehee! Thanks for the fun AND the challenge! Hugs, Diane

    1. You always say that each topic is your favorite, you silly goose! LOL! And you're very welcome. I'm always tickled to hear that my participant friends are enjoying themselves with these challenges.

  4. Another great challenge, Donna. So much to learn. So little time. But such fun. Thanks for hosting and for putting together all the resources.

  5. Donna thanks again for hosting this. This is such an interesting one. I think one of my young blogging friends is going to join in!

    1. I hope your friend joins in! The more the merrier!

  6. I'm Podso's "young blogging friend!" Thanks for the opportunity to join in. It's fun to get some ideas and tips on taking good pictures.

  7. Thank you Donna I loved this challenge.
    After reading the links you gave us back in December I search through my house for an object that could throw an interesting shadow!
    Being a silver object there was a lot of glare but the shadows were crisp!

  8. Hi Donna,
    Great idea for a callenge and living an RV life lately this would be a big challenge for me. I'm not use to using this ipad so it takes me longer than most. Ilove the idea and will try and post

  9. Donna, just discovered your blog (via EGCameraGirl's post). It looks like great fun, and I like the way you provide some background and interesting links. Looks like I'll learn a lot pursuing all the other participants' blogs too. So thanks. I have to have some shadow pictures available, so I'll be joining in shortly.

  10. Another challenge, another fun way of showing my passion. Thanks for hosting this.

  11. Hi , Donna! I found your blog by chance. I like the theme and I said ... why not? I'm not sure I can attend. If I am not allowed remove my link. ( Sorry , my english is not so good :) . )
